Eco Friendly Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

let’s celebrate valentine’s day in an eco friendly way!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner in a few weeks and we want to share and how you can help create a more earth-friendly spent holiday with your loved ones!


Gift a plant, herb, or potted flower that will continue to grow and spread joy instead of cut flowers that will last a few additional weeks.

Home Cooked Meal

Who doesn’t love a home cooked meal or two? Cook your favorite meal for your family and/or drop off meals at family’s homes in reusable containers such as glass Tupperwares or vintage casserole dishes (our favorite when thrifting!)

Fair Trade/Sustainable Chocolate

There are so many local, sustainable, and fair trade chocolatiers throughout the United States that you could purchase through! Research what it located within your area.

Handmade Cards

Handmade cards for your family and friends! You could use leftover newspapers, magazines, use your drawing skills and more! More importantly, your artwork comes from the heart than the store!

Reusable Bag with Cookies/Treats

Bake your favorite cookies or desserts and deliver to friends and family members in reusable baggies or containers!

Shop Second Hand

Shopping second hand for a gift is not only a sustainable way of gifting, but also has a thrill of not knowing what you’re going to find until you find it! Look for local thrift stores or donation stores within your area.

Keep exploring!


Protecting Forests from Destruction


Avocado Tree Day